Thoughts for Tonight

This is just one of those nights where my emotions are torn in so many directions. Receiving my formal diagnosis left me feeling relieved, but weary, so I haven’t written this week as I’ve collected myself again. Then after that, my mind has been full with some pressing concerns of some clients I work with. Sometimes being a therapist is simultaneously a burden and an honour, and the trick is to learn to navigate as safely as you can to a place where you keep perspective and can still see forward. It has also been a reflective day today as […]

© Wavebreakmediamicro


I am shattered! I mean completely bone tired with friends visiting from Idaho, fixing my broken car, oh, and my rheumatology appointment! So this won’t be a long post, but I really can’t go without writing something today, because I was officially diagnosed today. It’s official now: Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome, Type III, complicated by Fibromyalgia (EDS type 3, by the way, is the same thing as hypermobility type; it’s just an older classification system that some doctors still like to use.) As many with EDS say, “today, I got my stripes! I’m officially a zebra.” Looks like I’m part of the […]

© Bradcalkins - Doubts Photo-smaller


I know I said I was going to write the second part of my loss post, but can I just take a moment to share some thoughts first? It’s what has been on my mind this weekend. I will finish that post, I promise, but that’s a topic that takes some time and thought, and right this moment, I just want to get this out. I’m reeling a bit. See, I went to physiotherapy this week. Now physio in and of itself shouldn’t be anything remarkable, but I have to admit, this week put me into a bit of a […]

The Child Who Was Never Born2

My Discovery Through Loss (Part I)

Miscarriage. It’s one of those things you aren’t supposed to talk about, isn’t it? “Wait until your first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks to announce, that way you don’t have to tell anyone if you lose the baby.” It’s one of those great, unspoken secrets that so many of us experience, and yet we speak of it in hushed tones–if we speak of it at all. Well, today I reached a meaningful personal milestone, so I’m going to talk about it–social taboo or not. I’ll come back to the milestone later, because it has a lot to do with where […]